Vintage Magazine Collection: Starlog Yearbook Vol.10, September 1992


As the press on Terminator 2: Judgment Day slowed down in US in 1992, you could almost miss the Starlog issues with T2 articles in it, written by Marc Shapiro. Almost, because they did include T2 second time in a row in their Yearbook. They did in '91, and they also did in '92. 

Starlog Yearbook Vol.10 from September 1992 features reprints of two T2 related articles. One is a focus on Arnold from back from 1991 - an exact duplicate of the article from August 1991 (See HERE). The other one is an interview and article on Eddie Furlong, published originally in Starlog Spectacular #3 from November 1991 (See HERE). However in this instance, the article/interview gets an all new set of photos. All the photos are different than in the original article, and they're all fantastic shots that weren't published in the US up to that point!

Other than the fact this yearbook contains not one but two T2 articles and one with all new set of photos, there isn't anything new (again, other than the photos), but that wasn't the point of Starlog Yearbook. It was a "Yearbook", so it reprinted the most interesting/popular articles.

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