Vintage Magazine Collection: Rage Magazine UK August 1991

 Back to the Terminator Library aka Vintage Magazine Collection Spotlight. Terminator 2: Judgment Day had its premiere in UK in August as oppose to July, so the massive media wave hit in August as oppose to July like in US, although, as some may remember from earlier posts, UK was tracking and spotlighting T2 far earlier than even US press. 

This particular issue isn't much known to Magazine Collectors, but it isn't obscure by any chance. Rage was a UK Entertainment magazine, which focused on mostly music and also movies, and they gave their cover to T2 in their August 1991 issue. It wasn't just a lazy repeat of the Press Kit writeup, nor wasn't it just a review - they actually interviewed Arnold Schwarzenegger and asked some interesting questions. In this interview Arnold focuses more on the fact that his character, correctly named T-800, is a protector in this film, but this time he doesn't sound like he's in a defensive mode about it. He admits he had no input in the script whatsoever, but admits that very soon he realized the potential of such character development. He says he grew as an actor and loved the idea of playing all the subtleties of the Terminator's arc, but admitted he needed everyone's involved help to come up with all that. That's the great thing about Arnold here, he admits the character isn't all his doing and he takes direction, rather than just "doing his thing". Arnold also recalls the story about a drunken woman who got into the Corral Bar set.

It's interesting to me that in nearly every UK magazine, Arnold is referred to as "Arnie", but never called this way in US press. 

I liked the article's description of the T-1000: " If you thought Schwarzenegger was unrelenting in the first Terminator, he has nothing on the way the T-1000 resolutely tries to kill the boy in the sequel"

Some cool, but definitely not rare pics augmented the article. About the only goof is that they wrote that John is 12 years old

On the first look I thought that magazine is from late 90's because of its design, which kind of reflects the latter era. The title is also printed in metallic shiny ink

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