Vintage Magazine Collection: Starfix #26, May 1985 France


And now let's go back to what this specific website/blog is primarily about, which are vintage magazines on the two films. It's been a while since the last new Magazine addition, but here it is. The longtime readers may notice an increasing amount of International magazines. While I originally intended just to collect and share magazines written in English (with some exceptions), the number of exceptions kept growing and i decided to lift the self imposed limitations. I mean, there are plenty of magazines, from Europe in particular, with great rare photos, layouts and covers. Especially German and French ones. I already included mags from those countries (See the list linking to the reviews of all of them HERE), but there's so much fantastic stuff out there. France and Germany ruled when it came to promoting the first and second film. 

Well here is I think the second French magazine I'm showcasing, titled Starfix. It seems to be an equivalent to UK's Starburst, and this particular issue #26 from May 1985 has a nice meaty feature on The Terminator. It has a double page spread right at the beginning of the French version of the poster - which differs from the "regular" one in that the lines behind the Terminator on the poster glow. The double page spread also promotes the fact that the movie won the greatest award at a Avignon International Scifi Film Festival in 1985. 

Deeper in, there's a nice 4 page feature on the film with some great photos. And while a lot of them have also been printed in many US publications, there are shots here that are rare and some shots that extremely rare. The shot of the Terminator falling through the window was actually pretty common in European and Asian publications, but didn't appear in US publications until 1990s. Another very rare shot is of Reese in Technoir, also extremely uncommon in US. The jewel of the crown is a behind the scene photo of James Cameron on the set, which has never been published in US, is nowhere to be found online and I have yet to see it anywhere outside of this publication. There's always something new out there to (re)discover. 

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