FAQ For New Fans #29: "How Did The T-800 Know Where John Escaped?"


My websites were always targeted primarily for the hardcore fans who almost know it all. The purpose of my sites was too shine light on some very obscure interviews and facts that aren't accessible in well known books or extras that are still available for purchase. However, times change, and new generations and fans come along - and I realized that a lot of my audience consist of fans who aren't diehards who know every book and interview by memory for decades (like all the fans at the Terminator Files Forum years ago), or just never went outside the films. So this is part of a different type of FAQ section, for those less initiated in Cameronverse.

Let's continue with "How Did The T-800 Know Where John Escaped?"

One of the kids in the Arcade pointed where John is and the T-1000 goes his way. John gets tipped by Tim and escapes into the service hallways, the T-1000 follows. Moments later, the T-800 enter the same hallways and cuts John's path. How did he know they went there?

James Cameron often praised audiences as very smart and not needing things spelled out, therefore he just sprinkles bits here and there so we can figure it out or make quick assumptions. Here's where editing subtly explains things to the viewer: with each cut going back to the T-800, we see that he moves up a level, eventually ending up and intercepting John at the level he was at and started to escape. This and couple of smaller things indicate he was already at the level the Arcade was and saw them going into the service maze, therefore choosing another entrance to the service area to cut into their path. But if you want to be a negative Nancy and require more proof that this simple assumption that the T-800 saw them and picked a path to run into them, then here's how it's all sprinkled in in the film

We know the Arcade is on Level 3 from multiple things, such as many markings on walls and doors and from the actual real placement of the location. The first time we see the T-1000 and the T-800, the T-1000 is already ahead and on Level 3, while the T-800 is one level below him. Studying multiple location photos available on the 2001 Ultimate DVD, as well as 90's photos of the location (now rebuilt Santa Monica Place, destroyed since then in earthquake), markings and geography of the place confirms that. But we don't need to go that far, we just need to pay attention to the geography. First we just see that the T-1000 is level above the T-800 

Btw, the Arcade is located almost right above the T-800

The next shot we see of the T-800 is when he is already on the same level as the Arcade, already on the level where the escape will start. How do we know this? Couple things. First,  look at the markings on the pillars, they're the same as later in the story when the T-800 gets thrown out the store window

And when John and the T-1000 enter the hallways, they never go down the stairs before the first showdown. John never gets to them, because the T-800 cuts into his path (stairs were to the left, T-800 entered to John's right). To be clear that John never went down the stairs, and that the T-800 already was on level 3, we can clearly see markings on the wall that its Level 3 when the T-800 enters the service halls

So the first fight between the Terminators is still on level 3 as they never got to the stairs. I don't want to confuse anyone here, but in real life second level doubled as third in places because the store that the production obtained for the T-1000/T-800 fight was level below, however in the film, markings constantly remind us we are still on level 3, and in the film it's a make believe level 3. See here, when the T-800 gets back up and goes back to the hallway, he simply exits through the hole in the wall to the same place the fight started, and in addition to the geography and earlier markings, you're reminded of being on level 3 by another level 3 mark on a door the T-800 passes

So all this confirms that the T-800 was indeed on Level 3 where the Arcade was, where the chase began, and entered from there into the same hallway system from a different door to cut into their path. How would would he know the layout of the hallways and how do WE know he does? Because fire escape maps are all over the place in US malls, and they’re right by the entrances, and we see that the T-800 indeed enters through the fire escape door

Now the last question remains, how and when did he see John and the pursuing T-1000 enter the service area? Once it's established the T-800 was already on the same level as them but not explicitly shown where (in order to not to break the flow of the accelerating escape sequence and not to reveal so soon that John isn't on his own in this chase), it's easy. There's not one, but THREE or more ways he could see them while on the same level. 

One: He could use the stairs to enter the 3rd level which are are right in front of the arcade. See below, a set scouting photo from T2 Ultimate DVD of a location of where the Arcade will be built for the film, it's right in front of the stairs from the level below, which are visible in the film as well (in the background):

Two: He could approach from the same direction the T-1000 did - the Arcade's front was purposely made out entirely out of glass, allowing for clear visibility from outside

The T-1000 only couldn't see John back then when he first peaked inside because John was sitting in a game simulator, thus obscured by small kids. But we do see that where the T-1000 stands, it's a clear visual straight path to where John escaped, as evidenced in a latter shot when he's asking a kid about John's whereabouts. 

Three: We were already shown the T-800 have a sophisticated zoom feature. Even if he wasn’t in any of the places mentioned above and was further away (but again, we do know he was on the bery same level), he could use the zoom feature. From the script we know he was scanning constantly. And in the least he could at least hear commotion and/or kids talking about a cop who just stormed after a kid into the service hallways through the Arcade.

So we have not one, not two, but three or more ways he could see/know about them walking into the service area, and conveniently in the real location, there was another entry to that area, the fire doors, to the left of the arcade, which the T-800 most likely used to cross John's path knowing he will be heading for the stairs and that they are located on the straight path from there. The doors are close to one of the stores, it even matches a visible store on the same side when the T-800 enters.

But all this detective work is really not necessary, and serves merely to underline an otherwise simple point a viewer can assume - he was on the same level, he saw them, he used another entrance to cross John's path. Simple as that

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