FAQ For New Fans #25: "Didn't Silberman Said Sarah was On Perfect Behavior Past 6 Months?"

 My websites were always targeted primarily for the hardcore fans who almost know it all. The purpose of my sites was too shine light on some very obscure interviews and facts that aren't accessible in well known books or extras that are still available for purchase. However, times change, and new generations and fans come along - and I realized that a lot of my audience consist of fans who aren't diehards who know every book and interview by memory for decades (like all the fans at the Terminator Files Forum years ago), or just never went outside the films. So this is the first part of a different type of FAQ section, for those less initiated in Cameronverse. 

Let's continue with "Didn't Silberman Said Sarah was On Perfect Behavior Past 6 Months?"

Sarah has been on her best behavior for the past 6 months to try to appease to Dr Silberman, so he can move her to minimum security wing. Silberman even says she was indeed on her best behavior for the past 6 months. So how come he mentions to the interns that she stabbed him in  his knee few weeks ago? Is that an oversight?

None of what is written in the paragraph above is true at all. Sometimes people tend to misremember what was said, and sometimes similar wording could mean something very different than what was actually meant. Let's take a look of what was actually said and what happened

Silberman never says that Sarah was a "model citizen" for the past 6 months. The 6 months timeframe is just a time when the review board comes back to reevaluate the patients. It wasn't some sort of period of time Sarah had to be good to be transferred, which is what some people mistakenly assume. 

And Silberman only says that Sarah's attitude has IMPROVED. Seeing videos of Sarah's violent outbursts, hysteria and anger, her being even occasionally complicit is an improvement. And Silberman also states she had improved LATELY, which is a synonym to RECENTLY and NOT TOO LONG AGO. Her stabbing Silberman in the knee within the past few months as oppose to trying to kill him everyday is definitely an improvement. Still, that stunt and Silberman's hidden agenda guaranteed Sarah will not go anywhere, and 2003's Extreme Edition T2 DVD Text Commentary by Cameron's Creative Consultant on T2 and other films, Van Ling, acknowledges that stabbing Silberman in the knee nixed her chances for early transfer

Sarah just could not help herself, just like during her hearing with Silberman. 

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