FAQ For New Fans #14: "Is the Terminator Fixing His Hair ?"


My websites were always targeted primarily for the hardcore fans who almost know it all. The purpose of my sites was too shine light on some very obscure interviews and facts that aren't accessible in well known books or extras that are still available for purchase. However, times change, and new generations and fans come along - and I realized that a lot of my audience consist of fans who aren't diehards who know every book and interview by memory for decades (like all the fans at the Terminator Files Forum years ago), or just never went outside the films. So this is the first part of a different type of FAQ section, for those less initiated in Cameronverse. 

Let's continue with """Is the Terminator Fixing His Hair ?""

No. As you know, the Terminator went through the fire and this way burnt his eyebrows and singed his hair. In the scene in front of the mirror, he is brushing the hair off to make sure all the singed hair is gone. Here is a description of what he's doing from the July 1982 Script (note in the script he also put a cap on, but that idea was scrapped)

Some may not be aware that Arnold actually wore a hairpiece for that scene, since he did not want to really burn his hair (the hair was actually “styled” with actual matches!). 

Eagle eyed can tell his hairline is different than real Arnold’s here. Here below, a scene of Arnold without the hairpiece, helping with a shot with a puppet, prior to the one in question, in which the Terminator puts his sunglasses on.

You can see its a wig clearly in the behind the scene photos

Fragments of the wig/hairpiece were sold at prop auctions  on icollector by Shay Austin, Assistant Art Director on The Terminator who sold many other props from the film throughout the years

Arnold of course did not shave his eyebrows either, which the Terminator lost going through fire, and actually even insured his eyebrows. Instead, he had makeup to cover his own. Here below, pictured with the makeup artist Jeff Dawn

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