Vintage Magazine Collection: Action Films '91


This is the earliest magazine that features an image from Terminator 2: Judgment Day on the cover. Some sources claim this magazine was published in January of 1991, and it could be. It was definitely published before March, when Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II premiered, and T2 doesn't even have a premiere date set yet! "Summer 1991" was listed on the earliest promotional material for the film. 

Since it was published very early in the year, the magazine features only synopsis for the film and a very scant one too - it does not reveal Terminator's protector role yet, and does not even reveal that there will be two Terminators this time. On the introductory pages of the magazine (not pictured), it states : Big Arnold returning as the killer cyborg  in Terminator II.

And since the magazine came out so well in advance before the Summer of '91, they only had one photo available from T2, and it's the same one that makes the cover of the novelization. It's featured on the cover in the upper left corner, and inside on a full page. That particular photo is one of the first two released from the film (the other one being the shot of the Terminator with a shotgun at Salceda's camp)

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