Vintage Magazine Collection: Cinefex #21, 1985

Cinefex #21 from 1985 is one of my all time favorite items. Not just among magazines, items/collectibles period. It's that good. If you think Cinefex is all technical about special effects, you're wrong. Yes, it tells you how each scene was made, but it reads as if you're not into SFX at all, and you're just a curious reader who reads about inventive ideas different teams had to create scenes in the movie. And it goes scene by scene, it leads you through an entire plot and focuses on each scene.

Here you can read from James Cameron, Stan Winston team, Fantasy II miniature and stop motion team, graphics FX team and more. I think it's a terrific and fitting thing that an actual Tesla Coil machine from 1931's Frankenstein was used to create the electric arcs, and I first found out about this fact here (it is mentioned in one other magazine too). And as always, Cameron goes deep and elaborates on many things, like for example, the reason why the machines are chrome - it's because a reflective surface can deflect the laser beam. Just great stuff

Cinefex is also loaded with fantastic and to this day very rare photos. Half of this issue, which is 23 pages, is dedicated to The Terminator, and the other half to Dune, but it's The Terminator that takes the cover. For me this magazine is very much a Making of Book and I always thought of it as that.