Soldier of Fortune was a gun oriented magazine for gun aficionados. In their December 1984 issue, they were extremely lucky and got invited to fly to LA and see the movie while still being edited. Not only that, but Jim Cameron himself sat down with the magazine rep and showed and discussed the finished scenes.
Dale Dye, the author of the article, writes about his wariness of gun handling in films, but is pleasantly surprised by how accurate and realistic the movie is in the gun portrayal department. He admits the laser sight, while still a fantasy at the time, could be plausible, and the only problem he has is with the ammo being on the counter. Cameron told him it does fall into creative license category, as it worked better this way.
Dye not only praises the weapons' portrayal and use in the film, but also raves about the movie as well. He misremembers the future date as 2027, but other than that, he gets everything right in his description of the plot.
The issue also has a mini interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger who talks about his weapon training for the film.