Vintage Mag Collection: Box Office Magazine July 1991

Next one up from July of 1991 is Box Office Magazine, which featured an exclusive rare interview with James Cameron. They caught up with him at Skywalker Ranch while he was taking a short lunch break, hard at work looping and mixing. 

It's a very interesting interview. Cameron talks about The Abyss and the lukewarm response it got attributing it (rightly so in my opinion), to wrong marketing. His thinking at the time was that the movie shouldn't be promoted on director's name, unless you're Steven Spielberg, and that's most likely why all things Terminator 2: Judgment Day didn't prominently feature Cameron's name. 

They also discuss the film's rumored record breaking $100 million budget of course, and the violence in movies. On that topic, Cameron mentions RoboCop, saying it's a well made movie, but confesses to hating the sequel which he says went off the scale with violence and is "a pile of dogshit"

Continuing the subject of violence, Cameron also talks about moral inadequacy in some movies where good guys do bad things. He then says something very interesting, that some of the reasons why Arnold Schwarzenegger is a reprogrammed protagonist this time around is because he isn't just an actor anymore who can disappear into the role. He is the iconic superstar Arnold Schwarzenegger, hero to many, including youngsters, so he couldn't have him shoot everybody. 

The article features two rare black and white behind the scenes shot, and the magazine is graced with a full, beautiful steel blue cover from the set of T2.